Celebrate your wins by writing them down 2022 edition

John Cook
13 min readJan 1, 2022

“When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you” — African proverb.

I have so many odd peculiarities, habits, and rituals that I do on a regular basis. The thought of picking up another ‘life tip’ at this point in my life really makes me L O L, but one nugget of wisdom that has stuck with me throughout the years is a byproduct of a gratitude course I took a long time ago called “Celebrating your wins by writing them down”.

For the better part of a decade, every year, i’ve took time to reflect on the previous year. Not just to see if I “checked the new year resolution box” (i’m batting under 500), but also just reaffirm to myself that “hey John you did some pretty cool shit this year..be grateful”. Some years I post it to my medium publication, some years I don’t, it’s all very fluid. What’s important is that I use this time to express gratitude and happiness to myself, my friends and family.

Yes — I retrocheck against my previous years resolution, yes I do make new years resolution, and yes I do track to see if I hit or miss. I’ve seen other influencers like Tim Ferriss showcase something similar to this approach, he calls it a “Past Years Review”.

I recently went through my previous years (2021) retrospection and I notice that the older I get, the less I focus on monetary and/or financial gains. Don’t get me wrong, I still crank out the excel sheet and track my net worth, but what i’m grateful for extends beyond the…

