Do you think that’s air you’re breathing?

John Cook
10 min readJul 5, 2022

Today I take a moment to celebrate the privilege of living in the United States of America. As an individual who was born in a 3rd world country (Philippines) and immigrated here at a very young age, I was afforded an incredible wealth of support from the USA’s social safety net. Subsidized housing, food stamps, community college, college grants, free lunch, the list goes on, but you get the idea.

246 years ago, our founding fathers declared that we are no longer subject to the rule of the Monarch of Britain, King George the 3rd, and that we are now united, free, and independent. Under the premise for future of freedom, the right to own property, and a better union, let’s celebrate my always and forever MVP, the United States of America!

A snapshot of diversity circa late 2010s: a filipino (myself), a Cambodian (my wife), celebrating the 4th of July with 2 french bulldogs in a city (San Jose) named after a Spanish Saint (Saint Joseph). Take that hallmark.

I must admit, this 246-year-long social experiment called Democracy is heading towards a dangerous path that as an American I must call out. The leader of the charge? Technology. We are embarking on a journey of robotic and artificial intelligence automation, when deployed, cannot be rolled back

This is the 3rd industrial revolution.

We are entering an era where humans will fundamentally be replaced by machines

